Future Growth Potential of Tumblr

Tumblr has become the most trafficked website in USA. A recent statistics shows that the number of visit by the people has increased by 7% (May,09 – Nov,12).

Tumblr.com has the audience of 168.2 mil worldwide with 82.7 mil blogs and 36.8 billion posts. On an average , daily posts is around 68.7 mil according to Tumblr website.   

Tumblr.com has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 36. About 45% of visits to the site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). About 9% of visits to the site are referred by search engines. About 32% of Tumblr's visitors are in the US, where it has attained a traffic rank of 18. Its content places it in the “Hosts” category of websites.

Estimated percentage of global internet users who visit tumblr.com:

Reach %
Last 1 Month
+ 7.9%
Last 3 Month
So, the statistics shows that, Tumblr is growing very fast which project it as the next big thing.

Conceptually a blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Blogging flourishes in the 90s.

Microblogging is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregate file size. Microblogs "allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links". These small messages are sometimes called microposts. Through microblogging people now share:

- What they observe in their surroundings
- Information about events.
- What their opinions are about certain topics.       

And most importantly, they do not require to spend much time on it. Within a very short while using hand held device it is published. The mass people nowadays seek more exposure and tend to reveal their thought process.

Microblogging services have revolutionized the way information is consumed. Microblogging seems nowadays the future of communication platform because of then following reasons:
-         It can be done with simplicity and quickly.
-         It requires short attention spans.
-         People’s growing desire to remain connected.
-        The rising cost of travel that will cut down on face-to-face meetings.
-        The increased affordability, quality and functionality of digital communication tools.

Computers have been getting smaller and closer to our faces since their very beginning. First they were in big rooms, then they sat on desktops, then they sat on our laps, and now they're in our palms. With the increased number of hand held smart devices, microblogging prospect is even on the soar.

Tumblr and Posterous had fought a very tough battle over supremacy in microblogging service where Tumblr appeared to be the winner in the 3rd Quarter of 2010. Tumblr leaves Postereous behind the competition. In recent technological world, time actually flies faster than we can even assume. Things can be altered anytime in this competitive edge. For instance Myspace was one of the highest visited social networking website in the world. But within the waves of time Facebook has now become talk of the town in place of Myspace. Now people, rarely talk about Myspace. Bottom-line of this discussion is , world of internet is very dynamic nowadays. To remain ahead of the game you need to evolve in a continuous basis. For Tumblr specifically, though it bet its main rival Posterous a couple of years back, but a recent acquisition by twitter (http://specialtake.com/tech-world/posterous-is-a-great-human-resource-acquisition-by-twitter.xhtml)  another gigantic microblogging site. Tumblr must remain vigilant regarding its competitor in order to remain in the game. 

Tumblr could be the next big thing in microblogging world because it has the uniqueness of blogging service like WordPress as well as on a microblogging service like Twitter.

Courtesy : alexa, quantcast, Wikipedia 


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