1Weather; an amazing weather app

1Weather; an amazing weather app Weather app in mobile always amazes me. You dont need to rely on tv or radio to know the whereabouts of the weather of a particular time. It’s withinh your palm now. You can surprise people with your prediction reading through the weather app. That’s the best part to me.
Few days back, more specifically in last moonsoon season, I made several prediction about the possibility of rain and it worked like anything. I started sharing it with my dad. Initially he thought , it was a fluke.Neither I was properly convinced at that time. But with the proof of several incidents , I got convinced and thus I have grown the interest in me.
At the very onset of my smart phone using, one of my senior colleagues recommended me such an app that can give the weather forecast of my location. That was accuweather. I immediately downloaded it and started using with sheer excitement.
I have been effectively using this app till date. But couple of days ago, while browsing Playstore randomly, I came up with another weather app i.e 1weather. After going through few user comments, I decided to give it a try with an expectation of experiencing something completely new.
Honestly speaking, I have found 1Weather a very nice and effective app. And it’s way better than any
weather app of such genre  It’s nice to keep your eyes on, smooth, attractive visuals, wonderful graphical presentation etc have made it standout. To me the most effective attribute of this app is that, it can detect your exact location and can give the forecast with beautiful presentation.
I believe, 1weather is more impact full due to it’s several distinctive factors. Till now I am pretty happy with that , and I would highly recommend people to have it who wants to track the weather forecast.
Review by Abir Hossain


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