"Google Keep" - another invention to keep millions of users

” Google Keep” - another invention to keep millions of users. Just downloaded Google Keep. Not because of it’s utility but the name Google attracts me so strongly , that it becomes very hard to resist.

I somehow feel attached with Google for so long. Particularly I have witnessed the rise of Google and how it has become the internet giant . Hope ‘keep’, another of it’s creation would hook millions of net savvy like me.
The softer part of adding color to the note must make it stand out with others. One thing is for sure, color always spices up our lives. To me it’s one of the major sources of happiness. And Google has once again proved it’s amazing ability to redefine simplicity which is well depicted here in ’ keep’ by adding color schemes.
It’s quick and simple but to my utter surprise, there is no scope of uploading any file as attachment. So one needs to take photograph using camera and that would be uploaded tied with relevant notes . Other than that , voice recording system looks pretty handy and off course , sharing options are good as usual.
Now the big question comes - Evernote or Google Keep ? To be frank , despite my blind support towards Google  I have found color as the only distinctive factor with Evernote. But on the other hand , few important options are missing.
Therefore, just a suggestion for Google, don’t go for inventing something just for the sake of combating competition. Such a monster does not look good doing so. You have already outsmarted others , just keep doing that with unique invention.
Review by Abir Hossain


Another issue is after Google dumps service like Google Reader, which still has millions of user, its very tough to rely on them on free service. I am happy to pay Evernote for premium service, but Google even never offered premium service for a lot of i'ts free products, and could shut down any of it, any time. After all Google is a Search Engine and majority of it's earning comes from just ads sales from different network & platform. Rest of the product it has or service it provides is just to learn user behavior and aggregate data, nothing else.

Thanks a lot for your comment Asif. I truly appreciate it. Your concern is very valid. Withdrawal of Google Reader was a real shocker to too many users. And to me it was again a calculative business decision that they always take at their best interest. Google has evolved as the monster in the world wide web and thus they can afford to exercise this liberty in any forms. Probably you are right; their core business is search engine & they use other free services to complement their core business. Even if that is the case, i guess this is again an exemplary business model which they are intelligently initiating as the new trend. From another perspective to me, introducing Google Keep, can be a strategic move which gives notion that, none will have the free field to score. If Google can't win, they will make others sweat to win. Google Keep has nothing special in it but then again, experts are seeing it as Evernote vs Google Keep. Thats Google’s victory and probably this was one of their another planned moves.

Thanks once again. Keep reading and keep giving your valued comments. Hope to be in touch with you.

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