Google and Facebook are on a bid to acquire Waze, another high valued acquisition in the industry

There is much high anticipation in the social media industry that Google and Facebook are in a race of acquiring Waze, a popular mobile mapping application based in Israel

Google finally buys Waze'

The anticipation was so high regarding the acquisition of Waze. Facebook and Google both were on the race of buying Waze.Finally its Google who becomes the winner in the tempted race.;

Google+ grows to become 2nd largest social platform globally

Once criticized as the ghost town by large portion of media. More than 300 million users must nullify that statement by now. So Google+ despite being branded a failure or ghost town, grew in terms of active usage by 27% to 343m users to become the number 2 social platform.

Google finally buys Waze

The anticipation was so high regarding the acquisition of Waze. Facebook & Google both were on the race of buying Waze. 
Finally its Google who becomes the winner in the tempted race. 
Google has purchased Waze, the company that makes the popular social traffic app, but did not disclose terms of the deal.
Google confirmed the purchase in a blog post on Tuesday: "The Waze product development team will remain in Israel and operate separately for now. We’re excited about the prospect of enhancing Google Maps with some of the traffic update features provided by Waze and enhancing Waze with Google’s search capabilities."
As the industry follower, to me its the Google Map that has pushed away Facebook from the competition. Though the deal is not yet revealed by any of the parties, but our assumption says it not less than $ 1 billion .With the help of the traffic update features of Waze, Google Map will definitely bring something very out  of the box for the social map users. 

Google+ grows to become 2nd largest social platform globally

Google+ has taken some exemplary moves over last few months which have helped transforming the stage for it by becoming the number two in recently published ranking by globalwebindex.

Once criticized as the ghost town by large portion of media. More than 300 million users must nullify that statement by now. So Google+ despite being branded a failure or ghost town, grew in terms of active usage by 27% to 343m users to become the number 2 social platform.  

And Youtube , another mega service by Google is at number 3. Youtube is now showing the immense opportunity of linking Google’s services through the Google+ social layer. This is how, Google+ integrated with so many Google products which can define the future of search and the internet.
Business persons & general users used to think of Twitter & Facebook are the two best social network to promote business.  Probably it were true till Q4 2012 when Google+ was in number 3 and Twitter & Facebook toping the list with number 1 & number 2 positions respectively. So bottom line is business person, digital marketer or be it general user, Google + is a must considerable one for the time being.
One may not get 100 comments on Google+ but the quality of them will be superior and more in depth that some of the inconsequential stuff one will get on Facebook, for example.
So to me it’s time we give importance to Google+ in order to help our business and drive traffic and quality interactions.

Here is how to get started with Google+

David Karp: Why I Sold Tumblr

In an interview Thursday with Charlie Rose, Tumblr founder David Karp opened up about the $ 1.1 billion acquisition everyone’s talking about. 

Inc. users have been getting to know David Karp since Tumblr burst on the scene a few years ago: His prodigious worth ethic; his favorite Tumblr; and even his modeling career. Now that he has sold Tumblr to Yahoo, his is in demand everywhere. On Thursday, he sat down with Bloomberg TV's Charlie Rose Thursday night to discuss Yahoo's $1.1 billion acquisition, why he dropped out of high school, and how he plans to preserve Tumblr's authenticity.

Here are some of the highlights.

On how Tumblr got involved with Yahoo in the first place: 
"We started conversations about working with Yahoo in November of last year. After a few months, we knew there was a lot we were going to be doing together, regardless. We knew we were going to be working together. That's when Marissa [Mayer] showed up in New York and started to walk me through a story of how we could do even more together."

Why Yahoo is a good fit for Tumblr:
"[Yahoo] was a company with a legacy doing exactly the same kind of stuff we're hinging our business on--creative brand advertising. They were the original digital media company. They took a different approach to media. They approached media as an editorial team that created content and built creative brand advertising on top of that content. That's a big part of the future of Tumblr's business. That's something they've built out technology for and something they have advertiser relationships around and something they have a whole big honking salesforce for. What Marissa showed me and what their team showed us was an opportunity for Yahoo to help us fuel in a huge way the development of that network and the development of our ad business."

Tumblr's introduction of ads:
"It's very native advertising. The advertisements fit into spots where we already promote content. We already promote the best of Tumblr and use that as a place for people to discover things they wouldn't have seen otherwise. We'll roll in advertisements into those spots where we promote organic content."

Why it was the right time to sell:
"I was not expecting to sell the company this year, certainly wasn't looking to sell the company. This was a really, really remarkable opportunity that presented itself. This was an unbelievable opportunity to shortcut a lot of the very hard things that we're about to be going through."

Why he dropped out of high school:
"[Computer programming] wasn't in academia, and that was really the reason for me to drop out of school. It wasn't, 'Screw this.' It wasn't that I was bored. It wasn't that my friends were so lame. I was really enjoying school, but back in 1997 and 2000, when I was in high school, there wasn't computer science education in high schools in New York."

On the future of Tumblr:
"Hopefully we get this right, and Tumblr will be home to the most aspiring and talented creators all over the world. That's something we've already started to do. Regular people in the world, right now, they spend a huge amount of time in front of their televisions consuming premium content, some would call it, stuff produced by publishers, networks, studios. If we're not already there today, certainly five years from now, I expect the vast majority of the content we enjoy not to be produced only by a handful of creators who are selected and supported by those big studios."


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